ihochfuenf news
Wer bezahlt die Klimawende?
Arno Gottschalk (SPD) und Jens Eckhoff (CDU) streiten über die richtige Finanzierung > read more
"Wir brauchen zeitnah einen Fahrplan "
Offshore-Anlagen: Stiftungspräsident fordert neue Wege für Windparkausbau > read more
Dem Solar-Pfusch abhelfen
Der Druck von Versicherungen hat zu einer erhöhten Qualität von Solarmodulen geführt. Von dieser Entwicklung profitieren Dienstleister wie Adler Solar aus Bremen. > read more
What is planned is a modern city centre core with townhouses, squares and modern architecture. This
gargantuan task was also taken up by our business, which accordingly participated in a competition.
We found our role in co-ordination, conceptual design and organisation. With our assistance, architects,
entrepreneurs and idea developers came together and formed a competitive group. It developed a new
concept for the indoor swimming bath complex in need of redevelopment. The objective was to transform
the core of the city centre into a residential oasis. Our idea – maintaining the classical style
of Wilhelmshaven – gained second place. |
Helping to set up new businesses |
The DFV Deutsche Fondsvermögen wealth fund was founded in Hamburg in 2008. ihoch5 played an instrumental role
during its initial start-up phase. Jens Eckhoff acted as founding director and helped develop the company. Due
to the financial crisis and the consequently difficult banking situation, Jens Eckhoff moved to the supervisory
board and ihoch5 withdrew from daily business. The first public offering for 2012 has shown that much staying
power is needed if projects are to be realised. |
Developing the US offshore industry |
Since 2010, ihoch5 has been asked to participate in conferences and congresses to help develop the offshore
wind industry in the United States. Our American partners want to learn from developments in Germany and set
some priorities. We have given presentations in New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, New York, Georgia,
Iowa and Kansas. |
Expanding an events agency |
A Bremen-based events agency is eager to strengthen its presence in the region. ihoch5 has been asked to come
up with proposals and assist with putting them into place. We have designed an overall plan and developed many
ideas that will be realised in the near future. |
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